The Document - Digital Edition

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The Document - Digital Edition


 The universe is always expanding. Things are until they are not. You are a thing, a person, even! You are someone or something with a purpose, on a journey in this vast expanse of space. 

The Document is a solo science fiction journaling/imagination game that assigns you a new being and places you in a far flung world. Using prompts and questions provided by The Document, you will embark on a journey to fulfill a purpose and, together, you will weave a narrative.

You will need:
- a deck of cards, real or.simulated, doesn’t matter
- something to take notes with
- a copy of The Document

If you have purchased the physical copy of The Document, please feel free to download a complimentary digital copy. Similarity, if monetary resources are scarce, feel free to contact me, I’d be happy to share copy of The Document.

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